Christmas 1983
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Dear Friends,

Back by overwhelming popular demand (two explicit requests!) we have the latest edition of the Hargrove family Christmas letter. Following the successful formula of last year, this will be a committee effort. First, though, a brief summary:

This has been the kind of year we all should cherish: pleasant and mostly uneventful. We are all healthy, income more or less matches outgo, the weather has been delightful, and we are basically just a year older and wiser than last year. The “wiser” part may be debatable, but we have the kids’ school work for evidence. Jim wishes to debate the “older” part as well. (See below.)

This year, our group was augmented by three. Fritzy and Arnold, Claire’s new pets, we leave to Claire to describe. The third newcomer was Delores, our computer, who acquired full intelligence with the addition of a modem. She has taken over the family room and demanded a telephone of her own. Let us know if you would like this letter delivered electronically next year. Other non-humans are much the same.

Jim writes: [Matter-of-factly]

During the year I had my first annual 39th birthday, an event celebrated in song and prose. I still have no gray hair, but I do have a few wisps of platinum blond. My favorite present was a dictionary of obscure words. I am turning into an ignescent logolept.  I am still working at Data General, closing in on a personal record for time at one company.  As usual, the Peter Principle has been applied with a vengeance and I am now managing a steadily growing staff. I still indulge in Bridge and Birding as hobbies, but am finding too little time to spend on either.

Linda writes: [Atypically maudlin]

Another year has sped by - one of good health, good times shared with family and friends, and satisfying work. All this is shadowed by world and community problems, international crises, and potential disasters.  We send our hopes and prayers that 1984 will bring more peace, justice, and stability for everyone and that your life will be blessed with love and rewards. We value your friendship.

Charles writes: [Under duress and not completely consistent.]

Oh no! Do I have to write another stupid paragraph? ...But...OK, OK!  Since the last time I was forced to write I have gone to band camp (all right) and computer camp again (great!). After the summer was over, I began the drudgeries of high school. The only class that anything interesting has been happening in is band. After a long season of boring halftime shows and boring practices, we were selected to go to the 4A state marching contest. We marched the best we had ever done, but we missed being in the finals by 2 points! Other than that, this has been a boring year. But next year, the band is going to China. [Boring?]

Claire writes: [Pithily]

It has been a great year and I’ve done many things during it. I’ve played basketball, gone to camp for a month, gone on a trip to New Mexico, and gotten two new pets. They are salamanders. They live in an aquarium and use the bathtub for a swimming pool. They may set the world record weight for salamanders? I’m now in the sixth grade and it is great fun.

Merry Christmas! and a Happy New Year! [A bit late.]

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