Hargrove Annual Report 2005: PhotoGallery
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The Cockroach that Ate Chicago

Date: April 9, 2005, Chan Chich Lodge, Belize
Filename: /images/2005/Huge-Bug.jpg

About this photo:

We were already in bed when our fellow birder, Ester, called from the next cabin, "Jim, are you available? There's a huge bug in my cabin."

"I'll get my camera and be right over."

I'm not sure what kind of bug this is. It somewhat resembles a cockroach, but a huge one. We called it "the cockroach that ate Chicago," based on an old Bill Cosby comedy routine. I finally managed to catch the leviathan and transported it outside the cabin.

You can just see my reading glasses at the edge of the photo to get the scale.

Thanks to the web site All Pet Roaches, I have a name for this creature. It is a Peppered roach (Archimandrita tesselata).Are you surprised to learn that there is such a web site? Panika suggested it and chastised me for calling this a huge bug, instead of its proper name.

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