Southern Beardless Tyranulet

About the Hargrove Family Website

Important notice:

We've made some changes for the 2023 Report. The biggest change is that we have converted all reports to PDF files, rather than web pages. Frankly, this was just to save Jim from having to get the web pages to work right, and stay that way. Some old ones don't work right, usually because the underlying software, PHP, has changed something. PDF is must simpler. And, you can even print the reports if you prefer.

The number of photos has exploded in recent years. Indeed, if you want to see what we did in 2023, one easy way is to look at the album 2023 Annual Report Photos. The photos are in chronological order, more or less, and you can simple go thru them. The PDF files contain a small subset of the photos, which contain links to the albums. We hope you will find this style acceptable.

Linda prefers this because it reduces the amount of cursing she has to hear.

This site contains a history of our branch of the Hargrove family told mainly in the form of annual Christmas letters, published for 45 years now, as well as some powerpoint slide shows, and lately, some PDF files and even some audio.

Our tradition of writing annual reports began when the family moved from Houston to Irvine, CA. Wanting to alert friends to our new address, etc., we sent out a brief letter with our Christmas cards. That was 1977. Buoyed by at least two nice comments, we decided to keep at it. The letters have become more elaborate as the years have passed, but have always tried to be upbeat and a bit funny.

We added photos when the technology became available, first in stodgy black-and-white, now in glorious color. We moved everything to the web when FrontPage made it easy to create the pages. Today, these pages seem to be hopelessly retro. We're trying to move with the times.

In case you wonder who actually writes everything, the answer is "Jim writes most of it, but Linda always edits it before it goes out."

Linda has taken most of the best pictures, but most of the spider photos are Jim's work. (You'll notice that most photos have Jim's copyright notice when one appears. Linda started screaming about this suggesting I be more careful, so now, she gets proper credit at least some of the time.)

Virtually all the photos have been fixed up using various tools.

Google Photos does a great job of organizing photos. They are the first to make it easy to use the same photo in more than one presentation. Moreover, when you edit the text for each photo, it shows up in all the albums automatically. I've used the text to describe some of the more important photos. Comments are always welcome.

Comments and corrections are always welcome.

If you happen to have an old copy of one of the missing reports, we would be interested in getting it back, just to complete the record. We think we missed a year, probably 1978, but that was a long time ago, and we're not sure.