Hargrove Annual Report 2003: CharlesAndAmy
Photo Gallery Jim and Linda Charles Claire Bhutan New York City Annapolis Other Stuff Other Stuff
"Charles and Amy"

Amy takes a break from a fiercely contested card game to give Molly a reassuring hug.

Amy shows us a picture of her holding a baby she helped usher into the world.

Amy and Charles listen to guide explain the plan for the Courtyard Tour.

Waiting for the Ghost Tour to start

Charles and Amy pose in front of a Garden District mansion

Ready for Brunch at the Commander's Palace in New Orleans

Charles and Molly

Charles and Amy with Molly

Charles shows Jim and Amy his work area at the Carnegie Institute

Charles, Amy, and Jim looking at Model of the Carnegie

Jim and Charles at the Westlake Farmers Market before Iron Chef II

Charles and Amy wait for festivities to start at Iron Chef II Party

Tim League, Bene Pendergras, Amy, Charles, and Karrie League at Iron Chef II

Charles and Dama pose outside Z-Tejas restaurant