2013 Annual Report: Charles and Amy

Charles and Amy as Princess Leia and Darth Vader
Charles with Kiera, Kai, and Scarlet

Charles and Amy continue to excel at as parents. Both worked part time in 2013, Charles by choice at NCSE and Amy the result of the layoff rip off.

Alta Bates, where she had worked full time, laid her off, then hired her back as a part time independent contractor without benefits. She has spent several months searching for a better job. Her search finally paid off on the first day of 2014, and she now looks forward to a better job with shorter hours for more pay. Meanwhile, household chores and child rearing, are divided nicely, and the spice rack is still in alphabetical order, so something is working right. Amy continues to amaze us with her ability to create Halloween costumes, as shown in the photo.

Charles has jumped onto the Maker Revolution Bandwagon: First, he made beer. (It was pretty good.) Next, he decided that mead would be even better than beer. Mead requires honey. Not content to buy some without knowing its provenence, he set out to raise bees. Alas, this ended in tragedy. The family returned from a trip to Denmark to discover all the bees had left. Charles plans to start again in the spring.