Jim and Linda by Yet Another Big Tree [YABT]

2016 Annual Report: Charles and Amy

Charles and Kiera
Kai Helps Amy with the Presentation

Charles continues to serve as children's librarian, at the Rio Vista Public library, with a schedule that no one else can figure out. It is a long commute, though not by Bay Area standards, but against the grain, leaving plenty of time for podcasts.

Amy continues working as a midwife for Kaiser, with a killing schedule that she somehow manages to deal with.

For the 11th (or maybe 12th) year in California, Charles and Amy hosted the annual Iron Chef party. They assign each couple an ingredient, supposedly selected randomly, 25 people (more or less) competed for prizes in different categories, such as "most daring," "best use of ingredient," and the coveted "best in show."

Our ingredient this year was port, so we fixed a classic mulled port suitable for the season. Our competition entered chocolate pots-de-creme with a port and pomegranate reduction.

We failed to place again.

At least we got votes this time, thanks to Jim, who voted for himself. Here are some photos from the event:

The Winning Entry in Iron Chef Party
Red-nosed At-At
Mr and Mrs Aubergine