Unidentified Butterfly in Vietnam

2017 Annual Report: Many Changes

“ We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody. ”
— Buckminster Fuller See About Quote below.
A PDF version of The Short Annual Report (aka Executive Summary), abbreviated to fit onto two sides of a single page, can be found here.

Please Read About Photos.

For thos of you like Bob A, who don't care for all the verbiage, you can skip straight to the photos.

Many New Items to Share

Jim and Linda Once More Unto the Breech

Now That's a BIG Tree. This was the third big tree we photographed in Vietnam, each larger than the previous one.
Jim and Linda by Yet Another Big Tree
Another Big Tree Photo

Yes, we kept traveling. A lot. See Photo Links Below.

Oh, yes. We moved to San Francisco. Read More …

Claire and Ron: Still More Adventures: Taking a Year Off, Gardening, Relocating

With the remodeling of Rancho Relaxo, complete (for a while at least), Ron and Claire moved the entire family there for a year (Labor Day to Labor Day). The Texas Street condo unit was rented to a corporation for temporary use by visitors.

Meanwhile, the garden responded to loving care with a bumper crop of everything this year, but especially tomatoes and serrano peppers. Both were fabulous.

Charles and Amy

Charles changed from being Children's Librarian in Rio Vista to the same position at the Contra Costa County branch in Kensington, CA, much closer to home. The commute dropped from 2 hours to about 15 minutes. Not a bad switch.

Amy continues working as a midwife for Kaiser, with a killing schedule that involves commuting to various locations.

For the nth (n > 10, but…) year in California, Charles and Amy hosted the annual Iron Chef party. This year, it happened while Linda and Jim were in Chile, thus depriving them of a chance for a trophy, or at least a vote. Maybe next year.


Scarlet School Photo

Our grandkids are all doing what you expect: getting older and bigger, doing new stuff they have discovered, such as Kai's focus on Rubik's Cubes and variants. Some more info…

On to 2018

Hope you have a wonderful 2018. We look forward to welcoming any visitors to our new home in San Francisco whenever we are there. Drop us a line and let us know if you like this report.

About This Year's Report

These ”Christmas Letters“ have changed quite a lot since we sent our first, a single typewritten page now lost, in 1977. Along the way, we dropped the reference to Christmas as inappropriate as the report was virtually never finished on time.

Photos appeared in 1994 in glorious monochrome. Now, the report has lots of photos carefully doctored with various pieces of software. In this regard, it serves as a visual history of the development of technology during the last 40 years or so.

Last year we changed the way photos are displayed in this report: we started letting Google do all the heavy lifting. All of the photos in the Annual Report and the accompanying trip reports are on Photos.Google.com where you can see a large image. Simply click on the photo on our web site to open the photo in a separate tab.

Unsolicited review: Google does a fabulous job handling the photos, much better than any other service we have used. They even offer some cute extras, such as this automatically generated collage of photos from Playa del Carmen in 2016.

In addition to the pixels, Google can display lots of information about the photo itself, a lot of technical poop about the camera, etc., and sometimes the location where we took the photo. If the information panel doesn't display automatically, click on the little (i) icon.

BTW, the little “i” in a white circle turns the information panel on and off. If it is off, the Title is displayed on the bottom of the image. Feel free to add your comments about the photos.

We have retained the random photo at the top left of each screen. The photo is chosen from a subset of the photos in Google Photos. Let us know if you like it, or it you even noticed it.

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No new additions to our roster of comensals this year. We still have Chipper and Cash to help us keep warm in bed. Chipper is universally acknowledged as “cute.” He is somewhere between 14 and 16 years old, and is in great shape – better than us – thanks to a daily routine of frisbee fetch.

Cash is one of the most affectionate cats that have ever taken up residence with us. She has a habit of demanding a little nosh about 4:00 in the morning, which can be a little annoying, but she is still a keeper.

Meanwhile, Last year's additions, Lorelei and Sookie, are still adorable, but not kittens. They tend to hide when we are around.

About the Quote

This quote appears frequently on the internet, but I have been unable to track down any source for it. Still, I like the sentiment. Go Back to the Top ↩