Kumbali Lodge near Llongwe

2019 Annual Report: Still Traveling

“Our house is on fire.”
Greta Thunberg, Time Magazines Person of the Year.

Please read About this year's Annual Report, which has some important info about changes.

For years, we have included cartoons from the Ballard Street comic strip as part of this report. Now that Jerry Van Amerongen has sort of retired, we have expanded our net and this year offer one old Ballard Street cartoon with two other old ones from our files.

MinorTalent Oh, dear! Open with a prayer

Back by popular demand, Linda's demand to be specific, we have an Executive Summary of the report again. This fits on two pages and if you prefer this format, it is available online.

The two most common questions we are asked are

  1. Where is your next trip? The short answer is "Costa Rica."
  2. How do you like living in San Francisco? This is harder to answer. The short answer is "We're Adjusting."

On to 2020

Hope you have a wonderful 2020. We look forward to welcoming any visitors to our new home in San Francisco whenever we are there. Drop us a line and let us know if you like this report.

About the Quote

Each year, we try to include a quotation that says something relevant to the year. This year, we chose one by a remarkable young woman who is trying to get the world to wake up to the problem we have created.

Too bad we have used Yeats poem The Second Coming as it seems increasingly apposite today, especially the lines
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.