Amy, Kai, Kiera, Charles

2021 Annual Report: Travel

Well, we managed some travels

We had such hopes for 2021. Trump was gone. We had several vaccines. The world was open again.

Then, we found out that is wasn't quite as good as we had hoped. We forgot all notions of international travel and focused on where we could go safely.

We were watching a webinar, our substitute for actually going birding, when Alvaro Jaramillo, the presenter, said, "By the way, I have two spaces left on our Hawaii trip."

Linda jumped on it. "Quick! Grab those two spaces before they are all gone." We managed to snag them and left for Hawaii in the spring. The full report with pictures is online as a PDF file.

If you prefer, here is the album of photos.

We barely returned from Hawaii in time to leave for a birding tour of Southeast Arizona, one of the world's finest places for birding and a lot more. We avoided all the hassle of flyig by switching to all the hassles of driving, stopping in the garden spot of Blythe, CA, on I-10 not far from Arizona before going to Tucson the next day. This was a tour organized by Mark Pretti, who advertizes in the Golden Gate Audubon newsletter and almost nowhere else. We love traveling with him. A report on the trip, complete with some photos is available as a PDF file.

As above, if you want to skip all the verbiage, as Bob Arnett put it, the album is what you want.

Much later, we returned to Texas for a trip mixing birding and visiting old friends and family. A trip report mixing nostalgia with birding is on the website.

Once again, you non-verbal types can see the photo album online.