2014 Annual Report: Charles and Amy

Kai and Charles at Harding Elementary
Kiera at Harding Elementary

There's more to life than school and work, but that seems to be what takes up most of the time for Charles and Amy. Both kids are in Harding Elementary, a short walk from home. The kids seem to like school, as well as myriad after school activities. Kai has taken music lessons on a variety of instruments and managed to pick out Ode to Joy on a toy flute he found in the toy box. That talent probably comes from the Willat side of the family.

Charles got some more bees and replenished his hives in the back yard. The Maker Revolution continues! He is planning to construct an apple press for the entire neighborhood to use to make cider from various trees in the area.

In July(!) the family took a trip back to Austin for a conference. Charles, for reasons that escape the rest of us, likes the Texas heat. They traveled out to the Hill Country, where they found the Sabinal River full of water for a change.

Spider with Spiderlings

Not sure who found this amazing Wolf Spider. I suspect it was our budding entomologist, Kiera. Whoever it was, we are grateful for the terrific photo.

Some photos of Charles and Amy.