Lion-tailed Macaque

2018 Annual Report: Living the Urban Lifestyle

“To see the earth as it truly is, small and blue and beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves as riders on the earth together, brothers on that bright loveliness in the eternal cold -- brothers who know now they are truly brothers. ”
Archibald MacLeish, 1968
See About Quote below.

Please read About this year's Annual Report, which has some important info about changes.

Life in the City

The two most common questions we are asked are

  1. Where is your next trip? The short answer is "Israel."
  2. How do you like living in San Francisco? This is harder to answer. The short answer is "We're Adjusting."
See Jim and Linda page for a description of our living in one of the most amazing cities in the world, as well as notes on our travels.

Claire and Ron:

Ron, Claire, Scarlet, and Nico

Ron and Claire, having survived their year of living languorously and moving into new digs, are more or less back to normal: working, taking care of kids (with help from Jim and Linda), going to Grateful Dead concerts, skiing, etc. Just your normal every day life in one of the most fabulous cities in the country.

They enlarged the house near Philo, Purple Haze, with a new room for dining and playing games. The Anderson Valley is becoming known for its wines, particular Pinot Noirs, as well as other products are part of the Emerald Triangle. The garden produces a nice crop of vegetables, and some fruits. It's worth the 2.5 hour drive from The City.

They tried to interest us in season tickets to the Dubs, aka the Golden State Warriors, whose new home will be walkable. We demurred, preferring to watch from the comfort of our bed.

See their web page for more.

Charles and Amy

Charles changed his job. He left the Rio Vista library in favor of the Kennsington branch of the Contra Costa County library, which is a bit closer to home. Amy continues to work as a midwife for Kaiser Permanente.

They had some more remodeling done on their house, which really expanded the master bedroom, turning it into a real suite, complete with walk-in closet and en suite bathroom, something that his parents no longer have. The house is very nice.

More information is on their web page.


All grandchildren are doing what your would expect:

  1. Growing older.
  2. Getting cuter and more interesting.
  3. Amazing their grandparents with new skills.

Some more info…


Last Photo of Chipper
Jim and Cash Love In

Chipper succumbed to severe back problems and was euthanized in November this year.

We still have Cash to help us keep warm in bed. Cash is one of the most affectionate cats that have ever taken up residence with us. She has a habit of demanding a little nosh about 4:00 in the morning, which can be a little annoying, but she is still a keeper.

On to 2019

Hope you have a wonderful 2019. We look forward to welcoming any visitors to our new home in San Francisco whenever we are there. Drop us a line and let us know if you like this report.

About the Quote

Each year, we try to include a quotation that says something relevant to the year. This year, we have dipped into history, to an event 50 years ago, about Christmas Eve, when Apollo 8 crew member William Anders snapped one of the most famous photos ever. Archibald MacLeish wrote a piece about the effect of seeing our planet floating in the blackness of space. See the Wikipedia article for more into. Too bad we have used Yeats poem Second Coming already as it seems increasingly apposite today.Go Back to the Top ↩